Sunday, Sept 10, 17, 24 & Oct 1 / 11 am – 2 pm / 3h workshop
Autumn is a moody season bursting with bright colors, multi-colored burnt hues, dramatic skies, crisp air, crunchy leaves, harvest bounty, golden light, a true feast for the senses. A perfect inspiration to unleash your creative juices and let it flow in watercolour painting. Learn the tools and techniques of the medium while painting directly from nature through still-life and plein-air sessions. Each workshop will focus on a different theme to allow for a more in debt and richer experience. All are welcome.
Explore expressive watercolour techniques, washes and glazes, brush work, colour mixing.
Be inspired from nature and the season. Everyone is welcome.
Explorez les techniques d'aquarelle expressives, les lavis et les glacis, le travail au pinceau, mélange des couleurs. Inspirez-vous de la nature et de la saison. Tout le monde est le bienvenu.
Place: The Pointe-Saint-Charles Art School, the Atwater market and Lachine canal
Sept 10 – Autumn Flowers / Sept 17 – Autumn Leaves / Sept 24 – Autumn Harvest / Oct 1 – Autumn Trees
Cost: $40 + $10 materials fee + tx / 3h workshop
Watercolor Workshop – Autumn Flowers
Atelier Aquarelle – Fleurs d'automne
Sunday/ Dimanche, Septembre 10 Septembre, 2023, 11 - 2, $40 + $10 materials fee, frais de matériaux
Instructor/instructrice Louise Drouin
Paint a close-up, and a bouquet of fall flowers!
Peignez un gros plan et un bouquet de fleurs d'automne !
To register go to: Pour vous inscrire rendez-vous sur:
Watercolor Workshop - Autumn Leaves
Atelier Aquarelle - Feuilles d'Automne
Sunday/ Dimanche, September 17 Septembre, 2023, 11 – 2,$40 + $10 materials fee, frais de matériaux
Instructor/ instructrice, Louise Drouin
Paint autumn leaves on a glazed background!
Peignez des feuilles d’automne sur un fond émaillé !
To register go to: Pour vous inscrire rendez-vous sur:
Watercolor Workshop – Autumn Harvest
Atelier Aquarelle – Récolte d'automne
Sunday/ Dimanche, September 24 Septembre, 2023, 11 - 2, $40 + $10 materials fee, frais de matériaux
Instructor/ instructrice, Louise Drouin
Paint fresh organic fruits & vegetables at the Atwater market!
Peignez des fruits et légumes biologiques frais au marché Atwater !
To register go to: Pour vous inscrire rendez-vous sur:
Watercolor Workshop – Autumn Trees
Atelier Aquarelle – Arbres d'automne
Sunday/ Dimanche, October 1 Octobre, 2023, 11 - 2, $40 + $10 materials fee, frais de matériaux
Instructor/instructrice, Louise Drouin
Capture the explosion of Fall colors in the trees!
Capturez l'explosion des couleurs d'automne dans les arbres!
To register go to: Pour vous inscrire rendez-vous sur: